Why choose Science Clinic Private Tutors?

All our tutors have massive experience in helping children with Maths, English, Spelling and Reading, whatever their ability.

We work with fully qualified tutors /teachers to teach at KS1 & KS2, they are all educated to the minimum of a degree, some have postgraduate, and others have doctorates. Lessons will be structured around your child’s level and to their required specification.

Our tutors are constantly updated and trained to keep in line with the national curriculum and any changes in educational standards.

When do SATs assessments take place?

In England, children take SATs twice in their school career, at the end of KS1 and KS2 courses.

Key stage 1 SATs

These assessments take place in the May of year 2 (age 7) and test children’s ability in maths and reading (plus an optional test in English grammar, punctuation and spelling). The tests are informal, so they aren’t timed, and they take place in a normal classroom situation. From 2023, they will be made non-statutory, so schools will choose whether to administer them or not.

For Key stage 1, the tests cover:

Key stage 2 SATs

These assessments take place in the May of year 6 (age 11) and are more formal tests in English (grammar, punctuation, spelling and reading) and maths. Each paper is 45 minutes long.


For Key stage 2, the tests cover:

Why SATs?

The principal idea of SATs is to quantify what pupils have learned and understood during their Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6 inclusive). The Department for Education (DfE) processes these results and judges each school’s performance. These results are then used to create school league tables. The tests also help teachers learn each child’s strengths and weaknesses in English, Maths and Science.

Arguably, children should not do any SATs revision in Year 6. Indeed, the perfect scenario for these tests would be for no children to have prepared at all!

Secondly, it’s important to remember that a child cannot “fail” a SATs test. There is no “pass mark”, it is simply trying to measure how much each child has learned throughout KS2.

The SATs exam period can be one of the most stressful times for a child. They often report feeling pressured or worried they will let down their parents, teachers or indeed themselves. To control stress, it’s important that you and your child understand the relative significance of SATs. It’s also important that you have a realistic understanding about how to prepare them.

Should we bother with SATs revision?

A child’s SATs results can have some important consequences. Firstly, they often “carry” their mark into secondary school. These marks are usually used to determine which academic stream they are placed in. For example, strong KS2 SATs results may lead to a child being placed in a more capable Maths set in secondary school. Secondly, don’t underestimate how important it can be for a child to have a positive exam experience. SATs tests are often a child’s first set of “real” exams. If you’re lucky enough to know the feeling of acing a test, you’ll know how motivating this feeling can be. SATs revision in Year 6 isn’t especially inspiring but achieving top marks certainly is.

Get ready for GCSE!

Only a few years after their KS2 SATs, children will take their GCSEs. After these they will be preparing for their A-Levels, University exams and maybe more. Children need to see exams as a good thing - an opportunity to demonstrate just how much they know and understand. We know they’re young and we know that SATs have little significance in the grand scheme of their education. However, telling them to bury their head in the sand because SATs “don’t matter” is not a good idea. It is not a great example to set and it’s certainly not what they should do for future tests! We believe some Year 6 SATs revision is essential.

KS1 & KS2 Compulsory Subjects.

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Design and technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and design
  • Music
  • Physical education (PE), including swimming
  • Computing
  • Ancient and modern foreign languages (at key stage 2)
Schools often also teach: