Mathematics Tuition
Fully qualified to teach Mathematics
Science Clinic Private tutors teach the following specifications Mathematics:
Our philosophy is ‘Mathematics for all students’. We believe that Maths has something to offer every student. That's why we offer a range of intensive teaching / tutoring for all Key Stages from KS2 (Primary), KS3 (Junior Secondary), KS4 (GCSE) / IGCSE & KS5 (A-level) and our lessons suit students of all abilities and all aspirations.
All our tutors are fully qualified to teach maths, they are all educated to the minimum of a degree, some have postgraduate, and others have doctorates in the subjects they teach. Lessons will be structured around your child’s level and to their required specification.
Our tutors are constantly updated and trained to keep in line with the national curriculum and any changes in educational standards.
Once you start lessons with us, you'll see that our teaching of Mathematics is clear, straightforward and follows your specification. For GCSE / IGCSE & A-level, there is and exam at the end of the course. Our Tutors will ensure that you are ready for such exams and this will make you realise your potential.
The specifications we use are for the main recognised exam boards which have been developed with the involvement of thousands of UK qualified teachers. So you can be confident that our GCSE, IGCSE, KS3 & A-level Mathematics is relevant and interesting to teach and to learn. Our specifications ensure that:
We’ve worked with experienced teachers to provide you with a range of resources that will help you confidently plan, teach and prepare for exams.
Our exam boards design question papers with students in mind. They are committed to ensuring that students are settled early in our exams and have the best possible opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of maths, to ensure they achieve the results they deserve.
We analyse student’s results by looking at which questions were the most challenging, how the results compare to previous years using grade boundaries and where our students need to improve.
Our tutors / teachers are kept abreast with subject-specific training. We know wherever you are in your career, there’s always something new to learn. We offer a range of courses to help boost their skills.
We also teach the following specifications:
We also teach the following A-level specifications: